Cinnamon Plantain “Chips”

I can’t remember the first time I had plantains (which are actually not pronounced “plan-TAYNs” like most people think – they are pronounced “PLAN-Tuns”).  All I remember is that they looked like bananas, so surely they tasted just like them too.


Word to the wise, they don’t taste anything like bananas and you probably shouldn’t eat them raw.  They won’t do any harm but they have a very bitter taste (so I’ve heard, I’ve never actually tried one myself).


These Cinnamon Plantain “Chips” are super easy to make and they are baked in the oven so you miss out on all those calories you would normally get from frying.  Cut them thinner if you want more crunch and leave them thicker if you like them softer in the middle (I like them crunchy and my husband likes them soft so we usually have a mixture).


Cinnamon Plantain “Chips”


  • 2 Very Ripe Plantains (the skins should be almost black)
  • Cooking spray
  • Ground Cinnamon


Preheat your oven to 450°F.  Peel and slice the plantains in ¼ thick slices and place on a baking sheet sprayed with cooking spray.  Spray the tops of the plantains with cooking spray and sprinkle with cinnamon.  Bake for 8 minutes, flip all the pieces, and bake an additional 8 minutes* (there is no need to spray and add cinnamon to the other side after they are flipped, the one side is just fine).

*Cooking times may vary depending on how thin/thick you cut them.  I would check them often when you put them back in the oven just to ensure they don’t burn.

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